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Small business marketing consultant in central texas

Are you in need of a marketing professional for your team, but don't want the expenses of hiring a full-time employee?

Consider Contracting.

Hey there, Entrepreneur!

I'm Carla, a 12+ year marketing pro who started my biz during Covid. Despite the uncertainty, I've supported 200+ US businesses with branding, coaching, strategic marketing, & web design.


My superpower?

Being a whole creative in these digital streets. As a creative, I'm the perfect marketer because I blend marketing skills with creativity. Let me sort out and create a marketing plan for your business growth.

Let's Set Expectations:

Marketing Strategy

First Step

Your Discovery Hour:

Includes a digital audit of your:

  • Target Audience Profile

  • Portfolio

  • Website

  • SEO

  • Social Media Activity

  • Current pain-points and marketing concerns/needs.

Please note that depending on the scope of the audit, there may be a follow-up call.


Next Steps Email with:

  • Follow-up instructions

  • Contract Options.

    • Contract Chief Marketing Officer

    • Contract Marketing Part-Time

    • Contract Marketing Intermittent

  • Email may include action steps such as:

    • Brand Quiz

    • Completing Digital Assessments

    • Submitting analytics, data sheets, permissions, etc. 

The Work

Hiring a Marketing Consultant has the advantage of providing you with feedback, analytics support, accountability, and structure, which will help maintain balance in your business and keep it on track toward the success you deserve. Together we will:

  • Implement plans of actions

  • Accountability Calls

  • Supportive Services to setup and implement action plans

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Network Growth

  • Positive ROI

Choose  Plan

  • One-Time Strategy Assessment: 1.5 hours​

  • Short Term Contract

    • 3 or 6-month contract available.

  • Long-Term Contract

    • 12-month contract​

    • 16-month contract

    • 24-month contract

  • Hourly Services​

    • $175/hour​


  • Monthly Digital Marketing Management that may include:

    • Website Analytics

    • Content Strategy and Analytics

    • Monthly Analytics Reports through SEMRush

  • Marketing Action Plans​

  • Content Marketing

    • Packages may include content creation. Blogs and any written content are done in partnership with vetted copyeditors​

    • Social Media Templates

    • Other content creator needs

  • Marketing Resources

  • Website Assessment

  • SEO & Keyword research

  • And other services.


Book a One Time Strategy Session with Carla

One Time
Strategy Session

Follow my pre-appointment checklist for items required and obtain a marketing strategy that you can immediately begin implenting after our call.

Book a Discovery Session for a Long-Term Project

Discovery Session - Long-Term Contract

You're interested in a contractual partnership and need to discover how to get started. Start with booking a discovery call and following my pre-appointment checklist. We'll choose your plan and embark on an incredible partnership.

Image by Olena Sergienko

Brand Coaching

Do you find it challenging, as a business owner or organization, to capture the true essence of your brand?

My name is Carla, and I am your qualified branding coach with over 12 years in marketing and over 5 years in brand development.


I'm hear to answer the question of what is a brand coach even is...

A brand coach is a professional who works with individuals, businesses, and organizations to help them create, develop, and enhance their brand identity.


They work closely with clients to uncover their unique values, create a brand story, and develop a visual identity that resonates with their target audience.


Working with a Brand Coach

can help with various stages of branding:

  • from defining brand values

  • creating a unique brand identity

  • to developing marketing strategies and,

  • building a loyal customer base.


They can also provide guidance on social media, website design, and other essential aspects of brand development.

There are opportunities at every corner to work with a professional that keeps your brand front and center. 

Work with Carla Medina-Milson, Branding Coach at Iris Designs
Work with Carla Medina, Branding Coach with Iris Designs
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