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Image by Rodion Kutsaev

Hey there, Entrepreneur!

Are you currently struggling with your online marketing plan? Or, do you struggle with thinking positively in life and in your business?

Web Designer in Houston

Hi! My name is Carla and I'm the founder of Iris Designs, LLC. 

Throughout my tenure as a professional marketer, consultant, web designer, and graphic designer - I have helped many professionals in reaching their dream toward independence. And, now I want to help you.


I've learned that not only do people struggle with marketing their business and/or growing their brand. But, they also struggle with positive thinking. So, I wrote 'Mark. Market. Marketing' specifically to help those who struggle with the same things. 

Listen, I know that this book is EXACTLY what you need. So click the link and grab your copy today.

**Also available on Amazon. Click here to purchase on Amazon.

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